Lunar CubeSat (Elecrolysis Propulsion) Publications
Doyle, K.P., and Peck, M.A., “Water Electrolysis Propulsion: A Case Study in Resource-Based Systems Architecture.” IEEE AESS Systems, EM-1 Special Issue. Accepted for publication in 2020.
Doyle, Kyle, and Mason A. Peck. "Water Electrolysis for Propulsion of a Crewed Mars Mission." AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. 2018. [PDF]
Doyle, K.P., and Peck, M.A., “Safe, Failure-Tolerant CubeSat Docking Using Passive Magnetic Mechanisms.” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Grapevine, Texas, Jan. 2017.
Van H. Adams and Mason A. Peck. "Lost in Space and Time", AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. 2017. [PDF]
Adams, V.H., and Peck, M.A. "Interplanetary Optical Navigation." AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. 2016. [PDF]
Doyle, K.P., Peck, M.A., and Jones, L.L.,. "Spinning CubeSats with Liquid Propellant." AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. 2016. [PDF]
Zeledon, R.A., and Peck, M.A. “Attitude Dynamics and Control of a 3U CubeSat with Electrolysis Propulsion,” AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Boston, MA, Aug. 19-22, 2013. [PDF]
Zeledon, R.A., and Peck, M.A. “Performance Testing of a CubeSat-scale Electrolysis Propulsion System,” AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Aug. 13-16, 2012. [PDF]
Zeledon, R.A., and Peck, M.A. “Electrolysis Propulsion for CubeSat-Scale Spacecraft,” AIAA SPACE 2011 Conference & Exposition, Long Beach, CA, Sep. 27-29, 2011. [PDF]